December and into the New Year 2007
December - unseasonably warm but we were thankful for that. We did have a couple of days of hard frost but not really enough to kill stuff off in the garden. The dogs enjoyed a run in the frosty field and Atticus seemed to be happy enough too. Derm was on call for all of December (the one month in 12 that he had to do - thanks Virgin - good month to chose!) so we had no idea what we were going to do for Christmas and New Year. As it turned out he was home for both.....just. Andy and Sarah hosted Christmas dinner at Cawston and it was a wonderful evening with us taking home pretty much all of the leftovers which kept us, the dogs, pigs and chickens going for a few days. Then Lesley and Pete hosted New Years Eve at theirs - another lovely evening with gorgeous food. One of the Gothic Cottage lambs donated a leg as a centrepiece - Lesley covered it in yoghurt and spices, let it marinate for a couple of days then gave it a long slow cook in the Aga and we ate it with a fabulous selection of other spicy goodies.....mmmmmm! Derm got to go to LA, Mumbai and New York and still got to be at home for these key days. I got a new saddle for Christmas ----!!!!!! I had it fitted and paid for about 2 weeks before and Derm then paid for it as my Christmas pressie. Very grateful. It is a good fit for both me and the horse.
Very aware that this is our last month of relative normality - (if the picture left could be considered normal - Derm put his foot through the ceiling!) January will see the start of the builders occupation of the house and then Feb is when it will all kick off....!
Very aware that this is our last month of relative normality - (if the picture left could be considered normal - Derm put his foot through the ceiling!) January will see the start of the builders occupation of the house and then Feb is when it will all kick off....!