Summer - well, is it meant to be but lets just gloss over that! All's well here. Although the weather isn't the best it is pretty dry. The wind has been northerly for a long time now, keeping the temperatures down. Today it swung round to the south. Warmer but wetter apparantly.
Enough of the met summary! The animals are doing (mostly) very well. We lost a chicken yesterday - cause unknown but it was one of the ex battery hens and I doubt they have longevity bred into them. The piglets are doing fabulously well though. I did have one off its feed but it was only for 24 hours. Probably gut ache. Bit of an occupational hazard for a pig!
The pig mamas are still in with Buster - no sign of any ... ahem.... activity but there is a bit of noise coming from the yard occasionally so let's hope that's a good sign!
Bookings are doing very well, we are still very busy finishing off and catching up and trying to ge t on top of things that have been neglected in the past year.......